Which small businesses are doing content well? 438’s content creator, Gail, shares her opinion…
When it comes to building brand relationships, things have come a long way from ‘in yer face’ ads with brassy jingles. Today, it’s less about robots eating powdered mash and more about engaging blog posts that teach you something new — aka ‘playing the long game to win your heart before asking for your cash’.
But for website, blog, and social content to really resonate, it needs to reflect your values and tell your story in such a way that it forms a real connection with your audience. Not as easy as it might sound.
So, while we’re all aware of big brands like Coca Cola, Red Bull and Dove’s many content wins, which small to medium sized businesses are…ahem…smashing it?
Join the eco-revolution with Naked Sprout
Naked Sprout, who use sustainable materials to make their toilet paper and manufacture it without fossil fuels, massively reducing the environmental damage, are on a roll when it comes to great content. Their blog has interesting articles that give something back to their eco-minded audience, such as ‘How to use toilet rolls to grow seedlings’ and ‘Eco-friendly toilet rolls: five reasons to make the change’. An approach that will no doubt pay off; according to Forbes, 71% of consumers say they’d be willing to spend more money to support products and services from a brand they trust.
Check out their Instagram here.
Taste the difference with Go Kombucha
Then, love or hate the stuff, there’s Go Kombucha. Not only does the company website proudly share how its roots spring from a well in rural Sussex, but also its research on how low pH acidic drinks, like kombucha, can leach chemical residues from cans. Such a dedication to their beliefs develops deep trust with their customers.
Follow them here.
Humanising B2B with Wistia
Emphasising a human touch is crucial for B2B brands. Wistia excels at this by sharing behind-the-scenes content on Instagram, showcasing its team and… more importantly… its pets. This aligns with its visual content hosting services and smartly boosts brand recognition. Incorporate engaging visuals in your social media content, using platforms like Instagram and YouTube, is a great way to showcase your business’s unique strengths.
Check out their LinkedIn page here.
Want to follow in their footsteps?
I know, it all sounds great, right? If only you had the time…
Well, at 438, compelling content is just one of many things we can happily do for you. So don’t miss another opportunity, drop us a line.