The change

Since 2020, 438 has helped PepsiCo promote its internal AI platform, Ada, to its global workforce – an online knowledge and collaboration hub bringing together information from different sectors, teams, and business units.

But game-changing tools can only change the game if used. The platform’s first birthday was an opportunity to get more people doing just that. So we rolled out a month-long integrated campaign rewarding teams for interacting with Ada, which worked a treat.

Thanks for your support with this campaign that helped us achieve this year’s goals!

Camilo Reyes – Global DX Project Manager, Pepsico

Why it matters

98 %

Increase in total logins vs
year average

78 %

Increase in unique users
logging in vs year average


  • PepsiCo


  • Art direction
  • Motion design
  • Strategy
  • Web development

Additional Credits

  • N/A